Robert Ackermann, Rest in Peace

Sad news that Robert Ackermann passed away recently; he was finishing his PhD when I started mine, at the TU Berlin, in 1998. Having worked in the east-German academy of science before the reunification, he always seemed the person for surviving in absurd,...

We stop reselling GaBi databases on Nexus

Since October 1 2020, we are not selling GaBi databases on Nexus any more. This is due to a decision from the Sphera company, new owner of thinkstep, who do not foresee selling databases to resellers (as we are). Sphera stresses that it is not linked to us especially...
InData working group meeting, Tromsö

InData working group meeting, Tromsö

InData is short for the Working Group “International open Data Network for Sustainable Building”; Andreas Ciroth was invited to join the recent group meeting in Tromsö, Norway, enf of June 2017, and to also join the working group. The group has the aim to...