Einkommen und Ressourcen

Wirkungen veränderter Einkommen auf den Ressourcenverbrauch


Since consumption depends on available income resource depletion as one outcome of consumption obviously also depends on income. For households, however, there cannot simply be assumed a linear dependency between resource depletion and income, for a variety of reasons: higher income does not necessarily lead to consuming more units of the same, but can also lead to consuming more costly units of the same product type, or to switch to completely different products and overall consumption patterns.

The project will investigate detailed consumer patterns for German households, and analyse, using hypothesis for several types of goods and consumer panels from longitudinal and representative sample households detailed relations between resource demands and income changes.

GreenDelta in the project

In the project, GreenDelta is responsible for analysing the resource demands based on consumption changes, using a variety of available databases, including product-specific Life Cycle Assessment databases and environmentally extended multi-regional Input Output databases. Resource demands will not only be considered at point of consumption and in the use phase of products, but over the entire supply chain, use, and disposal, with life cycles often covering several continents.

Links and resources, administrative

The project is led by adelphi research, other project partner besides GreenDelta is GfK (Gesellschaft für Konsumgüterforschung).

Project commissioned by Umweltbundesamt, Dessau.

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